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Innovative strategies customized to your company and the unique needs of your business.

Your trusted partner in creating and implementing effective strategic plans and growth scenarios for your business.
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Who our solutions are suitable for

Top 50-350

We help to define and develop a strategic focus, taking into account the peculiarities and requirements of the banking industry.

Insurance companies Top 10-40

An integrated approach to strategy development allows you to take into account all important aspects of the insurance industry and create a sustainable and successful strategy.


Through analysis and optimization of business processes, as well as research into new technologies and methods, we help clients improve their efficiency and service levels.


Help you accurately define goals and set action plans that will help you achieve your strategic objectives and remain successful over the long term.

Solutions and products

Strategic self-identification and development scenarios

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1. Diagnosis

Result → Growth Points:

  • In product-technological development
  • In product risk management
  • The team's competencies include

2. Scenarios


  1. Selection of focus areas for development for 2-3 years
  2. Summary financial model with growth scenarios

3. Passing forks

Selection of development scenario and strategic initiatives to be implemented

4. Strategic initiatives


  • Description of business model, calculation of business cases
    Description of digital solutions with development stages (MVP 1, MVP2, full-scale solution)
  • Team: competencies, resource plan
  • Business partners

Multiple business growth

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5. Supporting the launch of projects and teams


On request, support during 2-3 months (on average 40-50 people/hours at the rate of 45 thousand rubles/hour) for the launch of a strategic project and the launch of the team


Strategic Transformation Case "Absolut Bank - Digital B2B Bank"

  • Client assets - 3-fold growth to RUB 400 bln in 5 years. 65% are based on digital solutions;
  • Absolut Bank in 2023 is the center of product expertise in strategic niches;
  • The Bank's business generates a profit of RUB 7 bln a year. Revenues grew without significant growth in expenses and with low credit risk;
  • A digital infrastructure with a focus on import substitution and technological partnerships with fintechs has been built to scale the business;
  • The B2B model allowed the business to scale without increasing marketing costs.

Case "Digital Platforms for Scaling Mortgage and Auto Lending"

  • Created digital platforms in partnership with fintech "Balance Platform" - the first technological solution in the market for collateralized lending. Increased disbursements from RUB 1.5 bln to RUB 10 bln per month with the potential to grow to RUB 20 bln;
  • More than 70 thousand unique requests are processed on the platforms monthly in 24/7 mode covering the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the Bank's presence
  • The high quality of the loan portfolio is confirmed by securitization of Dom.rf and sales to other mortgage lending players.

Case "New niche - digital retail bank guarantees for government procurement participants"

  • The guarantee business was built from scratch. Over 5 years the Bank has become a niche leader: more than 50% of the market applies to the Bank for collateral for tenders/contracts;
  • The volume of incoming applications is more than 1.2 trillion rubles, the volume of bank guarantees issued is 150 billion rubles, the volume of commission income received is 5 billion rubles per year;
  • Built its own digital bank guarantee platform with a dedicated product pipeline development team;
  • Implemented sophisticated analytics products for sales growth and risk management.
  • Experience has been applied to the development of full-cycle online digital factoring platforms and the development of a contract finance platform.

Case "Strategic Partnerships"

  • Joint development of business strategies for fintechs and development of platform solutions - Balance Platform, Tendertech, Phoenix, DomBook;
    Development of platform solutions in technological partnership - FarZoom, GreenData;
  • Own analytical center and proven partners-industry experts in product and technology practices.


Tatiana Ushkova

Top 50 successful women bankers in Russia. Technology entrepreneur-founder and investor. Independent director

Strategy management, digital transformation, building a low-risk high-tech business with revenues of approx. 15 bln RUB/year, architect of strategic B2B partnerships for multiple business growth, building flexible organizational structures and cross-functional synergies in the team.


  • 20+ years in the financial sector
  • Creation of a niche bank, 2x business growth in 5 years based on technological solutions
  • A leader in creating innovative fintech solutions


Leader in creating platform solutions for financial products recognized by the best B2B partners and financial community

Development and implementation of strategies for digital transformation of products and processes, development of digital platforms, search for new niches and features, deep market expertise and knowledge of competitive advantages, management of product teams with client business volume of more than 100 billion rubles.


  • 15+ years in the financial sector
  • 7+ years of digital transformation experience
  • Digital platforms for financial products in real estate, auto loans,
  • Leader in technological financial products for government procurement participants


Change agent recognized by the professional Agile community

Forming a function to manage strategic initiatives and digital transformation from scratch, structuring and launching complex digital projects, culture of innovation, deep dive analytics, mastery of current digital data management tools, implementation of complex analytics products into business processes


  • 10+ years in the financial sector, BIG-4
  • 5+ years digital transformation office
  • Working in hybrid teams, launching and tracking product teams
  • Strategic partnerships with innovative partners

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